Sails Repair
Repairing of any kind of racing and cruising sail, including canvas.
The issue of sail maintenance is of great importance as it directly affects their service life.
"The best advice on maintaining a sail is directly related to its good and proper use. It is important to ensure that the cloth is hit in the air as little as possible. This blow occurs mainly when the cloth is raised or lowered. For a conventional mast, for example, the time required to reach from the top to the top and the upside down should be too small, so everything is done very quickly, since the cloth is struck by the air during that time. This drastically reduces its life span. We also strike when we make slow or generally mistaken handling. "
After washing and drying, the sails are checked for any repairs. If repairs are required, we contact the customer for information.
We repair your sails using high quality materials resistant to sun, sea and water. All materials and components used for repairs are equivalent to the original ones.
We also undertake the conversion of sails of any size from OPTIMIST to MEGA YACHT.